Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

hectic week, minor update post

sorry for a long "no-posts" time i had :D i had some hectic weeks... in this post you'll not find anything new but the one which is called "premium edition"

Sabtu, 10 November 2012

SAO Kirito's Trench Coat Design

okay guys... here is my design of SAO Kirito's Trench Coat which can be used daily :D will be available less than month.... :) so please wait :D

Selasa, 06 November 2012

i heard that some of you are fans of SAO, am i right? :D

so i'm gonna make kirito's trench coat design in few days.... so stay tune :)

i'm gonna make the design based from this poster:

Kenway's Hood sample

okay, i've already made the sample of Kenway's hood, not quite perfect, but close to my expextation :D check this out:

Minggu, 04 November 2012

about kenway's hood

i'm not satisfied with the sample of kenway's trench coat, especially in its hood. furthermore i also got some comments about how its hood looks like. so i'm making a new hood design, will be posted in few hours :)

 ah, too tiring :P i decided to directly make the pattern of da'hood... so next post would be an update of real picture of da'hood :D

sorry for inconvenience :P

Kamis, 01 November 2012

Sample of Kenway's Trench Coat

My Design of Connor Kenway's Trench Coat of AC III

 I have a design of Kenway's Jacket. honestly, i was inspired of Volante Design from this. Yes, i'm inspired, i don't try to steal or even plagiarize his design. So i made this design from raw picture of Kenway's poster that available on internet. So, here's my design:

1) Broken White - Blue

2. Black - Red

Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

Standard One Button Blazer

This blazer haven't made yet by Joseon recently.

Template Design Men

MEN's Sizing Template (English)

Standard size of Joseon Fashion Clothing:

No size (cm) S M L XL
1 head size 56 60 64 68
2 neck size 42 46 50 54
3 shoulder 16 17 18 18
4 chest 42 44 46 48
5 back width 38 40 42 44
6 bust 84 88 92 96
7 waist 80 84 88 92
8 hips 88 92 96 100
9 crutch depth 94 98 102 106
10 top arm 30 34 38 42
11 wrist 20 24 28 32
12 arm length 58 60 62 64
13 knee 36 40 44 48
14 ankle 28 32 36 40
15 armscye 24 26 28 30
16 front shoulder to waist 46 48 50 52
17 nape to waist 44 46 48 50
18 body rise 20 22 24 26
19 waist to knee 54 56 58 60
20 waist to floor 104 106 108 110

Template Sizing Pack

MEN's Sizing Template 

Standar ukuran Joseon Fashion Clothing:

No size S M L XL
1 lingkar kepala 56 60 64 68
2 lingkar leher 42 46 50 54
3 panjang bahu 16 17 18 18
4 lebar dada 42 44 46 48
5 lebar punggung 38 40 42 44
6 lingkar dada 84 88 92 96
7 lingkar pinggang 80 84 88 92
8 lingkar pinggul 88 92 96 100
9 lingkar pantat 94 98 102 106
10 lingkar lengan atas 30 34 38 42
11 pergelangan tangan 20 24 28 32
12 panjang lengan 58 60 62 64
13 lutut 36 40 44 48
14 pergelangan kaki 28 32 36 40
15 armscye 24 26 28 30
16 bahu ke pinggang 46 48 50 52
17 tengkuk ke pinggang 44 46 48 50
18 lekuk pantat 20 22 24 26
19 pinggang ke lutut 54 56 58 60
20 pinggang ke lantai 104 106 108 110

Prakata (Hello World!)

Blog ini dibuat untuk mengumpulkan hasil corat-coret desain saya di corel draw.
I was not really born to be a designer, i'm an engineer :D

This blog was inspired by some designers whom i admire. But i try my hardest to make original designs or fresh inspired modified designs. Thank you :)